Can You Use Tomato Cages For Zucchini

Yes, you can use tomato cages for zucchini. They are a great way to keep the zucchini contained and protected from pests.
Tomato cages are also a great way to display your zucchini plants.
How to make a tomato cage
To make a tomato cage, start by cutting a piece of cardboard to the desired size. Then, cut a hole in the center of the cardboard, big enough to fit the zucchini you are using. Next, cut a piece of wire mesh to the desired size and shape, and glue it to the cardboard. Finally, cut a hole in the mesh for the zucchini to enter and exit.
You can make as many tomato cages as you need. Just be sure to keep them clean and free of pests!
Thanks for reading!
People also ask
Do I need to number my tomato cages?
Yes, you should number your tomato cages. This will help you keep track of which cage belongs to which plant. You can also use a bullet to make the cages more visible.
Thanks for reading!
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